Apex Deep Freezer Turbo System

Apex Deep Freezer Turbo System

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Location:United States

orCall 954-495-1936


Right door hinges
Remote refrigerating unit
Running with R507 freon
Assembled cabinet
Air cooled condenser

Optional Features

Stainless Steel
Stainless steel front
Left door hinges
Disassembled cabinet
Electronic remote control
Muffled unit
Tropicalized unit
Infrared remote control
Water cooled condenser
Condenser with air cooling system integrated with water cooling
Technical Features

The electronic panel is equipped with specific software for the management of the blast chilling and deep-freezing process, as well as conservation at low temperature. It can operate on a continuous deep-freezing cycle for a preset time or until the "hearth" of the product reaches a set temperature, with the possibility of automatic switch-over to the conservation phase if required. Defrosting by hot gas can be done automatically or manually on operator request. Constant check-control of the active alarms through display.

