Apex Autosmart Sheeter

Apex Autosmart Sheeter

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Location:United States

orCall 954-495-1936


AUTOSMART, the epitome of intelligent automation, is a high speed automatic sheeter. The industrial design is made entirely from stainless steel and aluminium.

The machine is fitted with a PLC providing 50 working programs: each of these programs can be divided into five laminating cycles.

The sequential programming offers the possibility of setting starts, stops, increase and decrease of the roller gap to meet specific needs without manual operator intervention.

The new programming system with smart software accessed through a coloured touch screen makes the program storage and machine use extremely simple.

The new automatic flour duster and the stress free dough reeler combine to make the AUTOSMART sheeter a flexible and powerful instrument.

AUTOSMART has been designed to laminate blocks of dough up to 20kg.

The high lamination speed, which can be operator adjusted, reduces the production time compared to traditional automatic sheeters, allowing the small or large user to reduce costs and ease working phases.AUTOSMART has been designed to meet the sheeting necessities up to 500 kg/h depending on different kinds of production

